Tuesday, September 7, 2010

They`re not all good days. For every day where I`m all "Rah rah, I`m a runner, I can do anything! Protein! Stretching! Breathing exercises! Fuck your fear, like they say in improv! I`m a freaking hero!", there are ten where the inner monologue is darker. I`m too fat, too old, too tired. No one will donate, my writing is boring and contrived, I should just stop. Buy some ice cream. Have a cigarette. Stop kidding myself and accept the reality of who I am. I can`t change. Can`t make a difference. My knees hurt.

This is one of those days.

I`ve missed 2 runs in a row. A solo on Thursday, and the team run on Saturday. Right now I`m at home, in my room, watching Law and Order with a belly full of leftover Chinese food. If I stay here, I lose. I lose another day of training, more momentum, and a little more of my self-respect. In this scenario, who wins? My fear wins.

Fuck my fear.

Has anyone seen my sneakers?

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