Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm back. Sort of.

I hate posts where people apologize for not posting in a long time. But still, I feel incredibly guilty because I have been really, really lax. But I have reasons! REASONS!! And I will get into them now.

Well, I'll get into them in a second. Because first I want to talk about the fundraiser. Back in September, I got some amazing and hilarious friends together and did a show called "The Rhoda Monologues" at Mottley's Comedy Club in Boston. The show was a take-off of a show I've been doing for a few years called "I'm the Rhoda", where some friends and I explore the dynamics of female friendships and the built-in competitive dichotomy and other made-up words. Anyway, the show went really well, and people showed up, and we made a bunch of money and I was beyond thrilled. And then I went out to celebrate with my friends, and my wallet, with a bunch of money in it from the raffle, got stolen out of my bag. I was HEARTBROKEN. Absolutely destroyed. People had given me their hard-earned money, which no one has an excess of, and trusted me to give it to one of the worthiest causes on Earth, and I had completely fucked it up. So, like I usually do when I'm upset, I complained about it on the internet. And people came out of the woodwork to donate more generously that I could have imagined, and more than made up for what was originally lost. You did good, folks. You did really good. Thank you.

And then, I got sick. I've been sick with an ear infection for 24 days now. I've been completely miserable. I was in a lot of pain, I couldn't hear anything, my balance was off and I was puking. An all-around terrible time. And during that time, I did zero running. My team long runs went from 4 miles to 7 miles without me. I am WAY behind. I also did no blogging and no fundraising, and so I'm behind on that, too.

But I'm back now.

I still can't really hear out of my right ear, and I've got a lot of doctor's appointments left to go to, but I got approval today to run again. So, it's time to get back into the swing of things. I'll do my part if you'll do yours. As you may recall, I have a generous donor who is going to match all my donations once I get to 50% of my goal. I'm currently at 37%, so if my math is right, which is unlikely, we're about $400 or so from reaching that point. I'd like to hit it by my "recommitment date" of November 4th. Can it be done? I think so. If I can run 7 miles out of the box on Saturday, I think my awesome and generous internet friends can round up a few hundred bucks.

So!! It's business time. It's time for me to get back in the game, and time for you to make that donation you totally meant to make, like, a month ago, but forgot about. Let's get this done, okay? And then I can leave you alone and get back to sitting on the couch all the time.

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