Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh, boy. Here we go.

Tomorrow morning at 7 AM, I'll be on a flight to Orlando. I'll be spending every minute until then thinking about whether or not I've packed enough socks, whether or not I should bother trying to sleep tonight, and whether or not I should get on the plane at all. I already know the answers to those questions (I have, I won't, I should) but I'll obsess about them anyway. And then once I land I'll obsess about getting to the hotel, getting registered for the race, and drinking water. Then I'll obsess about my friends getting into town, and my dad getting into town, and whether my dad and my friends like each other or if I'll be forced to split my loyalties for some reason. (Won't happen, they're all wonderful.)

And so it will go, all weekend long, until 6 AM Saturday morning. Then the gun will go off, my feet will start to move, and I won't have to think about anything else until someone tells me to stop moving.

See you on the other side, when my brain starts up again.

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